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Institute of Business & Finance

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Certified Fund Specialist

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Articles For Financial Advisors
As advisors, we sometimes forget the basics: a stock represents a fractional ownership interest in a publicly traded corporation.
Articles For Financial Advisors
One way academic researchers measure investment risk is by looking at stock price volatility.
Articles For Financial Advisors
Table 9 lists the largest mutual funds in the U.S. as of December 2015, according to MarketWatch.com.  
Articles For Financial Advisors
Arnott (1993) and Odelbo (1995)
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The year Institute of Business & Finance was founded.

Articles For Financial Advisors
A cornerstone of indexing advocates is based on securities markets being efficient.
Articles For Financial Advisors
Wells Fargo Investment Advisors were the first to use indexed portfolios for some of their institutional pension plans from 1969-1971.

Certified Annuity Specialist

What you learn about annuities can make you invaluable.

Master of Science in Financial Services

One of the industry’s most pragmatic elite degrees.

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  • After completing my CAS designation… two weeks later I rolled a $217,000.00 case.

    IBF gave me the tools and knowledge to close the sale. Thanks IBF for taking my sales to the next level!

    Hundley Batts, Jr., CAS™
    President of HB2 Insurance Services LLC