
What matters is what works

As eloquent as we strive to be in explaining the power of IBF knowledge and tools, our members say it best. More than 16,000 financial services industry professionals have completed one or more IBF programs—including staff from several dozen Fortune 500 companies. Hear their reports of real-world, on-the-ground impact and success.

After completing my CAS designation… two weeks later I rolled a $217,000.00 case.

IBF gave me the tools and knowledge to close the sale. Thanks IBF for taking my sales to the next level!

Hundley Batts, Jr., CAS™
President of HB2 Insurance Services LLC

IBF's program is under-valued. Which means that I got more than my money's worth.

The curriculum was unwavering and has enhanced my business tremendously.

I think what a lot of individuals fear when going into an executive educational program, is, "Will the information gleaned from the program be applied to my practice?" That has not been the case with IBF.

I truly do not understand why many other professionals do not seek to complete the entire MSFS program. It's well rounded and designed to nurture the financial professional into becoming a more mature and respected individual from both their clients and their peers.

Steve Lewis, MSFS
Virtus Wealth Advisors

When I came into the industry some 20 years ago, the best advice I received was to contact the IBF to obtain my CFS Designation.

Going through the coursework was not only interesting but enlightening. I have no doubt that the knowledge gained, kick-started my career in financial services.

Over the years, I have found myself going back to the well, so to speak, and utilizing IBF resources on an ongoing basis. I have received several certifications, as well as, my MSFS.

The creditability and prestige gained through my association with the IBF has been invaluable to my practice.

Richard Chrzanowski, MSFS
Money Concepts Capital Corp.

Wealth Management demands sophisticated advice.

The IBF MSFS has provided me the knowledge to disseminate that level of advice to my clients.

Dan McDevitt, MSFS
Ameriprise Financial

I take great pride in becoming a member of this exclusive group of my peers that has shown a commitment above and beyond the average industry standards.

Achieving a MSFS degree shows my continuing efforts of providing top levels of investment counsel and financial service to my clients.

The added benefit of having investors with a certain feeling of reassurance that coincides with my supplementary education through IBF is invaluable.

Ray Ambrosino, MSFS
Garden State Securities

As the head of training for an asset management firm I wanted my employees to have a deeper understanding of the Mutual Fund arena.

I looked at other certifications and a couple things that drew me to IBF's Certified Fund Specialist were the extensive coverage of our business, the case study to put into practice what they learned, and the Continuing Education to keep my sales force current on updates in our industry.

Tim Wilkinson, CFS<span id=“tmpRm”>™</span>
ING Funds Distributor LLC

I came to IBF seeking to complete my CFS , but within 2 years I was able to successfully complete my MSFS, which provided me with a good foundation as I progressed throughout my career.

Hadley Joseph, MSFS
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney

Focused learning to help clients and stay on top of legislative and product changes is imperative!

IBF course materials have helped me develop the skills and discussions necessary to help current clients and turn prospects into clients.

As a result I have fewer and larger clients - allowing me more time to focus on more profitable clients and working with people and families I enjoy seeing.

I will continue to work with IBF as they continue to provide top tier information to me for my benefit and the benefit of our clientele.

Willard E. Gombert, MSFS
The Financial Architects Inc.

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