- Since 1865, the U.S. has gone through 30 economic expansions, not counting what has happened since...
- A 55-year-old male buying long-term care insurance can expect to pay ~ $2,000 a year for $165,000...
- The first table below shows take-home pay; gross pay after taxes.
- Before we discuss the U.S., consider Spain, which annually spends $11 billion a year (~ 1% of its...
- Using annuity ladders is very similar to bond laddering: different positions maturing at different...
- Do Not Supersize Your AnnuityFixed-rate and variable annuities provide a number of solutions for...
- ATRA was signed into law in early 2013. This legislation makes permanent a number of estate...
- Frontier Markets Frontier markets are appealing due to their cheap labor, massive young populations...
- In 2009, Calpers realized it was paying anywhere from $20,000 to $120,000 within California for...
- Interesting Facts Bond Market: As of April 2013, the size of the global bond market was $85...
- Since its August 22, 2011 peak, gold returned -30% as of the beginning of September 2013. The last...
- Perhaps the best advice to always follow is to rely on: common sense, patience, thrift, realistic...
- The table below shows recommended retirement savings targets as a multiple of annual savings.
- A-B Trusts In the past, the most popular way to take advantage of the federal exemption for both...
- The great majority of states, including California, Texas, Florida, and Ohio, have no estate or...
- In mid-2001, Vanguard obtained a patent protecting its method for creating ETFs.
- Credit-Rating Firms The table below shows the dominance of three credit-rating companies in the...
- According to the author Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, there are five stages of dying: denial, anger,...