- Perhaps the world’s best-known market timer, Joe Granville, died in September 2013.
- There appears to be no convincing evidence why stocks have traditionally performed poorly during...
- The term “hedge fund” was first used in 1952 by Alfred Winslow Jones, a sociologist and financial...
- An August 2013 article in WSJ describes a man in his early 60s who needed a common type of surgery...
- A small number of ETFs offer “fundamental” indexing. Virtually all bond indexes assign weights...
- During the 2008 financial crisis, the average ultra-short bond fund lost 7.9% for the year; the...
- Alternatives vs. Traditional Stocks For the first half of 2013, the correlation between the S...
- In early 2014, Charlie Munger, Warren Buffet’s business partner, will turn 90 years old.
- U.S. Global Position Here are six positive features the U.S. enjoys: [1] #1 in the world in...
- Population growth and age group composition are important indicators of a country’s future economic...
- The number of bank closed by regulators due to an inability to meet their financial obligations has...
- U.S. Innovation A 2012 study by Thompson Reuters shows 47% of the top 100 worldwide innovators...
- U.S. Economy After a sharp drop in corporate after-tax profits in 2008 and 2009, the U.S. has...
- According to FactSet, from 2003 to October 2013, the S&P 500 had a P/E ratio (next 12 months’...
- Frontier Markets DangersAs of September 2013, the MSCI Frontier Markets Index (141 companies) was...
- Stock Market Crashes Research by finance professor Xavier Gabaix theorizes a 1-day stock...
- September Effect and Other Months Since 1896, the Dow’s average monthly return has been 0.66...
- This article includes an Annualized Index Returns table based on Bloomberg data from Barclays,...