Articles for Financial Advisors

U.S. Share of World GDP

U.S. Share of World GDP

According to CEIC Data, the July 2013 estimate for the entire 2013 calendar year was that the U.S. represented ~ 22% of world GDP, China 12%, Japan 7% and Germany 5%. The U.S. consumes 13% of the world’s merchandise, China consumes 10%, Germany 6%, and Japan 5%. Australia sends 29% of all its exports to China, South Korea 24%, Chile 24%, Japan 18%, the U.S. 7%, and Germany sends just 5% of its exports to China (source: CEIC Data, WSJ article, July 2013).


According to the United Nations, from 1970 to 2009, the U.S. share of world manufacturing output ranged from 29% (1970 + 1985) down to 14% (2007). By the end of 2008, it was back up to 18.3%. By the end of 2009, the U.S. manufactured 20% of the world’s manufacturing while China was close to 18% of the world’s total; in 1970, the U.S. represented 26% of the world’s total while China was 1% of the total. Over the past 40+ years, the first time the U.S. share of world manufacturing dipped to just 20% was 1991 (China was < 5%).

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