Articles for Financial Advisors

Client Language


Client Language

A survey by LMSR and Invesco Van Kampen Consulting shows what words are preferred by investors when describing their current situation and advisors.

[1] Which of the following describes the best strategy to you today? The one that is…
Diversified  [46%]
Predictable  [14%]
Disciplined  [11%]
Not correlated to the market  [9%]
[2] Which do you most want to hear about from your financial advisor?
Investment strategies  [37%]
Investment advice  [20%]
Investment opportunities  [11%]
Investment solutions  [8%]
[3] Which type of strategy you would most like to hear about from your financial advisor?
Long term  [26%]
Comprehensive  [10%]
Progressive  [6%]
Conservative  [4%]

Phrases to Lose

Phrases to Use

For ALL your investment needs

For a PORTION of your investment needs


Invest for the LONG-TERM



Out live your money

Have enough money for as long as you live

A HOLISTIC investment


Cautious or Optimistic

Cautious Optimism


Which Words Work Best With Investors

57% Stocks

43% Equities

27% Tax Deferred

25% Tax Exempt or Tax Free

62% Companies

38% Securities

82% Money markets

18% Cash

55% Bonds

45% Fixed income

56% Dividends

44% Income

82% Diversified

18% Asset allocation

78% Portfolios

22% Trusts

65% Diversified

35% Balanced



Words That Resonate With Investors When Communicating About…

Portfolio managers

23% knowledgeable

17% accountable

16% experienced

Moderate investments

28% diversified

20% balanced

20% managed risk

Equity funds

78% securities

22% unique

Conservative investments

20% reliable

17% dependable

13% time tested

Aggressive investments

38% innovative

21% alternative

9% unique

Cash investments

38% personal reserve

27% emergency

9% rainy day


Active vs. Passive


% of Mutual Fund Managers Who Outperform The S&P 500

[bull and bear markets: 1971-2011]

Bull  [Jan. 1971 to Dec. 1972]   42%

Bull  [Nov. 1990 to June 1998]   25%

Bear  [Jan. 1973 to Sept. 1974]   44%

Bear  [July 1998 to Aug. 1998]   30%

Bull  [Oct. 1974 to Nov. 1980]   43%

Bull  [Sept. 1998 to Aug. 2000]   50%

Bear  [Dec. 1980 to July 1982]   73%

Bear  [Sept. 2000 to Feb. 2003]   50%

Bull  [Aug. 1982 to Aug. 1987]   20%

Bull  [Mar. 2003 to Oct. 2007]  48%

Bear  [Sept. 1987 to Nov. 1987]   60%

Bear  [Nov. 2007 to Feb. 2009]  43%

Bull  [Dec. 1987 to May 1990]   35%

Bull  [Mar. 2009 to Dec. 2011]   40%

Bear  [June 1990 to Oct. 1990]   48%

Average  [1971-2011]   43.4%


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